Community Impact

CAMW!'s Most Recent Annual Reports

CAMW! by the Numbers

July 2021-June 2022

$8.4 million was invested in local job seekers, employers, and our economy.

27,170 people served at Capital Area Michigan Works! American Job Centers in Charlotte, Lansing, and St. Johns.

10,843 job seekers are supported through employment services such as resume writing, interview skills, virtual workshops, and more.

2,034 Jobs Filled with 261 businesses served.

1,025 individuals served in seven intensive programs.

70 new Americans served.

Calendar Year 2023

$5,760,445 awarded to businesses in Going Pro Talent Funding.


Community Impact

A proud partner of the American Job Center network, Capital Area Michigan Works! has found strength through collaboration with partners, councils, staff, leadership, and clients to continue to build the foundations for a stronger and more fruitful region. From facilitating the Jobs for Michigan's Graduates program to organizing events to expose Mid-Michigan youth to opportunities in the skilled trades, our system collaborates with the partners to ensure our community is growing.

The future is bright for Greater Lansing, and we look forward to serving employers and career seekers to propel the region forward.



Regional Partnerships

Capital Area Michigan Works! collaboratively works with a network of regional partners to best serve both the Mid-Michigan workforce and employers. These include: